Gil Mansergh will be hanging out at the Harper Davis Publishers booth (A-3 and A-4 near the corner of 4th and Santa Rosa Avenue) for most of tomorrow, Saturday, September 22nd at the Sonoma County Book Festival. He will also be reading from his just released novel The Marvelous Journals of Miss Virginia Pettingill at the Redwood Readers Circle Stage at 3:10.

The Marvelous Journals of Miss Virginia Pettingill is the story of a short, bespectacled and precocious 11 year old seventh grader growing up Gloucester, Massachusetts in the years following the Great War (WW1). Through her private journal entries, Virginia gives us the insider’s story of what happens when she  teams up with her best friend Tibby Bloomberg and the neighborhood boys to try and change things for the better in America’s busiest fishing village.

Gil invites you to drop buy, say hello, buy a book, and have it autographed during a day of literary fun for all ages!

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